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Crestani, A.C., Pizo, M.A., Fontanella, A.BA., Herrera M, L.G and Cruz-Neto, A.P. 2021. Sugar and nitrogen digestive processing does not explain the specialized relationship between euphonias and low-quality fruits. Journal of Avian Biology (https://10.1111/jav.02873).


Crestani, A.C., Mello, M.A.R. and Cazetta, E. 2018. Interindividual variations in plant and fruit traits affect the structure of a plant-frugivore network. Acta Oecologica (


Crestani, A.C., Serrano, L.S., Mota, J.V.L. & Silva, N.D.E. 2015. Efeito do tamanho e geometria dos remanescentes florestais sobre a estrutura da avifauna em uma paisagem fragmentada no Nordeste do Brasil. Atualidades Ornitológicas (Online). v.186, p.41 - 46. Home Page: (


Crestani, A. C. V., Sampaio, D., Oliveira, A. A., Souza & Souza, V. C. 2011. Floristic survey and illustrated guide of identification of species of dunes of the south coast of São Paulo state. Tropical Forest Lab Website (


Regolin, A. L., Muylaert, R. L., Crestani, A. C., Wesley Dáttilo, W. and Ribeiro, M. C. 2020. Encouraging the investigation of seed dispersal by Neotropical bats in human-disturbed landscapes. Wildlife Research (


Rodrigues, R. C., E. Hasui, J. C. Assis, J. C. C. Pena, R. L. Muylaert, V. R. Tonetti, F. Martello, A. L. Regolin, T. V. V. da Costa, M. Pichorim, Crestani, A.C., et al. 2019. ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS: a data set of bird morphological traits from the Atlantic forests of South America. Ecology (

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